Creative Network

In order for Malden to be able to harness the rich ethnic and cultural diversity that we all love, we need to be aware of who and what exists in Malden, be connected to and supportive of the various cultural players, and continue to build a coordinated and well-functioning network and ecosystem that allows all of our diverse creatives connectivity to the support, resources, and partnerships they need to create, share and thrive.

Creative Malden seeks to be a catalyst for this network to form and to ensure that it is inclusive, effective, and continuously evolving. Our first steps in forming this network and building a cultural ecosystem in Malden are

  • Host regular networking sessions. See below. For events, visit events page
  • Build a directory of performers, artists, designers, cultural leaders, and anyone who wants to be involved and start sharing information.
  • Offer office hours for people to learn how to get involved with Malden’s Culture and Arts scene. Coming September 2024.
  • Assess and share the cultural assets of Malden so it is easy for everyone to access them. (forthcoming 2025)

Coming Networking Session, TBD

Join Network

Click image below to join the Creative Network
of Malden and add your name to our directory.
We will keep you informed of coming events
and opportunities.